Friday, September 26, 2008

September 25, 2008

Today in class, we were first greeted with Mr. Marchetti telling us the proper way to add an equation to the blog posts. First, you click the 'add equation' button, then after you select a 'math' you edit the equation in the red font below the box, then you save it and copy and paste it into the blog post.
Then, we worked on POW 8 - A Spin on Transitivity, and discussed the transitive properties we explored earlier when we stated that if Keith is taller than Mr. Marchetti and Mr. Marchetti is taller than Camilla, than Keith must be taller than Camilla. Or, in mathematic terms: if a=b and b=c, then a=c. By the way, the black spots on the wheels on the POW are 1 for Betty's, 4 for Al's and 7 for Carlos. The POW will (tentatively) be due Thursday, but check your calendars and tell Mr. Marchetti if you have a conflict with turning it in on Thursday and he'll change the due date.
After we worked on the POW, Mr. Marchetti checked homeworks 9, 10, 11 and the packet work.
Later, we discussed 'End Behavior' which mainly deals with the horizontal asympototes of functions. We then found out that every function has two ends, negative infinity and positive infinity. This concept was further investigated on pages 288 and 289.
Our homework due Monday is Homework 12, and to do more problems in the packet.
The next scribe will be Ali Follett.

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