Saturday, October 25, 2008

Blog for period 1 October 23th, 2008

Scribe: Taryn M


Go over HW 4

Return Rational Function Quizzes

The Theory Of Polls

Homework Check

We worked on The Theory of Polls and went over it in class. Mr.M only got half of the class done with the homeowrk check and he will do the rest on Monday.

* If you didn't do a good job on the quiz go talk to Mr.M about fixing it! There is a chnace you can retake parts of it.

Homework: Homework 5 and read pages 387-391

next scribe: Lizzy C

1 comment:

Chris Marchetti said...


What were the big ideas that came out during the discussion of Theory of Polls and the HW.

Mr. M