Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday 10/06/08

We had a substitue in class today
We worked and finished The Pollster's Dilemma wich was handed out on a loose leaf sheet of paper by the sub
We worked for thirty minutes on the review sheet for the quiz
We also did HW1 from the Pollster's Dilemma unit in class
Homework was HW2 from Pollster's Dilemma, POW 8, and to study for the quiz on Thursday

  • Pow 8 due Wednesday 10/08/08
  • Quiz over algebra of rational functions, graphing of rational functions, and end behavior of a function this Thursday 10/09/08

Quiz topic end behavior notes:

The end behavior describes how a graph appears as the independent variable approaches infinity to the right (x increases) or to the left (x decreases). It depends whether the degree of the polynomial is odd or even and the sign of the coefficient of the highest order term, an. The end behavior for all possible cases is:

  • if the sign of the coefficient is positive and the degree is even, then y approaches positive infinity as x decreases and as x increases
  • is the sign of the coefficient is positive but the degree is odd, then y apporaches negative infinity as x decreases and approaches positive infinity as x increases
  • if the sign of the coefficient is negative and the degree is even, then y approaches negative infinity as x decreases and as x increases
  • if the sign of the coefficient is negative and the degree is odd, then y approaches positive infinity as x decreases and approaches negative infinity as x increases

Next Scribe: Evan Anderson

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