Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday October 28
In Class:
-go over Homework 6
-Graphing Distribution (page 394) activity with TI-nspire

-Normal Areas (page 397)
-The Normal Curve (page 389)

-revisions on test due Friday 31
-homework 7
-homework 8
(-there will be a quiz next week on this unit and end behavior. specifics will come later)

Review in Class of Normal Curves:
-68% of data falls inside the first diviation
-95% of data falls inside the second diviation
-2.5% are the sizes of the outer-most sections
(look at previous post by Ann to see pictures of a standard curve)

-if mean changes: the curve will shift to the left or right
-if standard diviation increases: the curve will spread and flatten out
-if standard diviation decreases: the curve will get skinnier and taller

New Information:

Graphing Distributions: (see page 394)

-the total area under the standard curve equals 1 unit
-finding a specific area under the curve gives a probability
-the area under the curve is called integration (or definitive integral)
-the following equation uses the mean and standard diviation to solve for a probablility of a result at any given interval (for example, on a standard curve if you want to find the probability of something happening between points a and b that do not land directly on a standard diviation 'line' you can use this formula to find the probability)

-for the simplest normal curve (a mean of 0 and standard diviation of 1) a simplified version of this formula can be used to find probabilities

(in class we experimented with these equations on the TI-nspire calculators, seeing how the curve changes as the standard deviation and mean get larger and smaller)

Normal Areas: (see page 397)

-this classwork deals with finding percentages of areas between two points, and also finding two points where a certain area would fall. (these problems were done through estimation in class)

The Normal Table: (see page 398)

- We read through this reference section in class and briefly looked at the table of "z number of standard deviations and corresponding area within that section. ("z" is just the value above or below the mean where a certain area is found. z values are equal to the area between 2 points)

Next Scribe: Nicole Anderson! (for Friday October 31)

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