Thursday, October 23, 2008

Scribe post for Wednesday October 22

October 22:Scribe- Miranda K

  • go over hw 2 and 3
  • theory of the 3-person poll

HW 3 big ideas:

  • for each voter, the probability that the voter is in favor of your candidate is equal to the proportion in favor of your candidate in the overall population.
  • if the overall population is big enough compared to the sample size we can approximate polling by sampling with replacement.
  • if the population is big enough to justify the sampling with replacement, we need to limit our polling samples to 5%.

theory of 3 person poll is on p. 378. uses nPr and nCr


  • homework 4
  • homework check on thurs/mon. he is checking hw 1-3 in pollsters and stuff on end behavior, and inequalities

*scribe for thursday- taryn M.

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