Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tuesday, September 30

The agenda:
Review Friday's work
Review Homework 12
Learn how to solve equations/inequalities with rational functions

POW due Fri-Wed
Quiz on Rational Functions 10/10
Revisit HW 12

Notes: Starting Pollsters Dilemma on Friday, just finishing Rational Function unit

End Behavior
x to the power of an odd number will give an equation like this

X^any even number:

Example of an exponential function (y=4^x):
Rational Function Review:
Bottom power is bigger-HA=0
Top power is bigger-no HA
Power is same-ratio of leading coefficients is HA
Solving Equations and Inequalities
Graphing or Table
Intersection on calculator: split equation into two with y equalling both halves, calculate intersection or look at data table for the same Y value
Algebra: cross multiply if fraction=fraction then simplify. If not, multiply both by LCD, input answers back into the initial equation and eliminate the extraneous "solution".
Next scribe is Ben K.

1 comment:

Chris Marchetti said...

Nice graphs! Be sure to spread the word about how you posted them.